2013. november 3., vasárnap


Faludy Entertainment & Education

F a l u d y™

is a well known brand in the circus entertainment business due to quality performing acts, unique techniques and teaching methods. Faludy is not a circus dynasty, it is a generation of Master Teachers handing over their mission and core values over decades to their students. This knowledge and know-how made up of collection of adaptive education methodology combined with continuous improvement philosophy (Kaizen 改善 = "Change for the better") and flow positive psychology implemented in practice work creating a synergy effect. This synergy is the interaction of education and entertainment sectors used by Faludy Master Teachers over 100 years now to achieve their mission.

Our mission is to find the best solution for our clients (students) to reach their goal in education and entertainment business by using progressive education methodology & tools and career planning concepts.

This blog is part of the FALUDY MISSION: hand over our mission and core values!

All the best...... be the best!
György Losonczi

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