2013. december 16., hétfő

3. CHOOSE RIGHT: Teacher / Mentor

.... All key factors should be managed at top level. Of course many of us cannot reach the maximum of each key factor.

Let's continue with
Teacher or Mentor

Many successful performing acts have good or very interesting tricks. To have good tricks and to present them every day at good level you will need to have good techniques. For good techniques you will need to have a good teacher. In case you are really talented and do not find a teacher you can manage to do it with a mentor.

What is the different between teacher and mentor?

The teacher helps you, shows you everything, usually 5 days a week. The mentor is not taking part in the whole practice process, and is does not teach daily. He gives you guidelines when you have reached a point or milestone in you practice session. Teachers and mentors are like "GPS" navigation systems: you give the starting point and the final destination and they will guide you through the route. You drive, the mentor gives you the right directions, the teacher beside the navigation helps you steering the wheel by sitting next to you.

Also there are differences between students: talented student, good student, average student ....
Many people think that students who work hard and are continuously gaining practical knowledge are talented students. In my point of view they are not talented students, they are "good students" and can be tought by a good teacher. They follow all the orders of the teacher and sooner or later they will have good results at the end. Talented people hardly accept the teacher's advice as they "know" how to do many daily exercises by following their inner sense. That is the reason why they need mostly mentors, they want definite guidelines during their practice process.

"If you want to learn a specific subject find a teacher. If you want to hone specific skills or reach an exact goal, hire a coach. If you want to get smarter and better over your career find someone who cares about you enough to be a mentor."   - Steve Blank 

Some interesting articles about coaches, teachers, mentors:

The following flow diagram shows the aspect of the teachers/mentors to reach his or her dream:

teacher/mentor > person > techniques > tricks > performing act

In many circus schools the teacher choose the students as he has the routine to determine the right circus arts discipline for the student. In some circus schools or studios the student (or the student's parents) are looking for a teacher in the discipline that the student has chosen.

When you choose a teacher you have to consider the following factors:
  • The knowledge of the teacher
  • Personal skills (e.g. good pedagogue, cooperation, - must see video about empathy-)
  • Motivation (e.g. awards, be the best...)

In my opinion when you find a teacher who is good in two out of the three above mentioned factors, it will work well in long term to reach your goals.


Study Case Low Knowledge: 
The teacher is open (Personal Skill) to study and to improve his knowledge (Motivation).

Study Case Low Personal Skills:
The teacher has good working routine (Knowledge) and wants to be the "best teacher" (Motivation).

Study Case Low Motivation: 
The teacher has good working routine (Knowledge) and  has good connection with his student (Personal Skill).

Now you know how to evaluate a teacher but which type of teacher do you need?

People say: the average teacher  interprets,  the good teacher explains, the perfect teacher demonstrates and the very best teacher inspires!

One day the swimming  coach said to his tstudents:
"What  in the the world is this 30% effort? You do not need a coach for this. Give 100% and then he can help by getting more out of you. Between 30% - 90% you only need a slave-driver!"
And here is another interesting story:
"Moussambani, 33, has been named the Equatorial Guinea Olympic swimming team coach for this year's games in London ... Moussambani trained for Sydney in a hotel pool back home and had learned to swim less than a year earlier. His efforts, to some observers, embodied the Olympic spirit where participation is more important than winning." - foxsports.com.au

How can a teacher or student determine that the teacher is a good educator?

One of my student has given the following answer:
  1. Does the student give the respect to the teacher?
  2. Does the student continuously improve his skills over time?
  3. Does the student look forward to go to practice?
"Ask the young. They know everything" - Joseph Joubert

We all need a teacher or mentor. I had also some as I wanted to get in the circus industry. My teachers were my parents. They thought me and I became a springboard artist within four years. While working together with my partner (over 20 years!) we always needed someone during our practice session who has had an objective aspect of our work. At that time it was my father who helped us, no longer as a teacher but as a mentor. Besides working I have been studying for 12 years and received three university degrees. There too I had two consultants in these periods. Now I am building an IT business company and even now I have looked for a mentor as this is a totally different industry for me. Through the National Innovation Office I got one, let'see how this will work out...

My next blog will continue with the first key factors: Tricks, Techniques, Teacher or Mentor, Student / Teacher Configuration.

Until than CHOOSE RIGHT!!!

All the best..... be the best!

György Losonczi

2013. november 22., péntek

2. CHOOSE RIGHT: Circus Arts Discipline

.... All key factors should be managed at top level. Of course many of us cannot reach the maximum of each key factor.

Let's start with 
Tricks, Techniques

Many successful performing acts have good or very interesting tricks. To have good tricks and to present them every day at good level you will need to have good techniques. For good techniques you will need to have a good teacher. In case you are really talented and do not find a teacher you can manage to do it with a mentor.

The following diagram shows the aspect of the student how to determine his or her dream:

persondiscipline > teacher/mentor > techniques > tricks > performing act

The student (person) will choose a discipline and look for a teacher/mentor. During the practice session the teacher will show the basic and advanced elements of the techniques to achieve interesting and powerful tricks. After developing a lot of tricks you have to create a performing act.

To reach the maximum in these factors, you need to choose the right circus arts discipline.

How can you make a good decision?
Here are the most important factors that you need to consider when you make a decision:
  • Age
  • Physical Endowments
  • Previous Experience
  • Other Special Skills
  • Personality
  • Motivation
  • Cooperation
"B" Factors (Base)
To choose a circus arts discipline you need to consider what age you are. In some disciplines you need  an early start, but of course your previous experience does mean a lot too.

Physical Endowments
The physical attributes of a person might be athletic ability, flexibility or attractive looks. You need to determine what attributes you have and what are the key elements in the discipline you would like to choose. For example: you would like to be a contortionist but you are not flexible. Result: low level tricks and in long term you will have a lot of pain in your body.

Previous Experience
Previous experience are experiences like gymnastics skills for acrobatics discipline or ballet for choreography.

"X" Factor (eXtra)

Other Special Skills
Other special skills (e.g. mental endowments) are things like being good at math, music or singing. These skills can be useful by creating your performing act.  

"P" Factors (Person)

Your personality can be in- or extrovert, persistent, hardworking ... 

Motivation is an important driver to be successful in short and long term. Are you motivated? Would you like to be the best in your discipline? Want to earn good money or travel a lot?

The student has to be open to work and understand his teacher or colleagues, accepting advises and solving problems together. If you cannot accept other persons or you are not a good team player do not join groups. Cooperation with the teacher is very important and can determine your working process. If you cannot accept the teachers advises or you will not communicate with him during the practice session or right after your performance, it won't work good in long term.

The BXP Evaluation Model developed by the author can help you to make decisions.

If you have already chosen a discipline you can go through the BXP factors and determine which factor could you improve and maximize.

How to use the "Previous Experience" factor when you have chosen a discipline years ago?

Easy!  After many years training you have reached a technical level in your discipline, you will use this knowledge as "Previous Experience". All you have to do is to check the best artist in your discipline and compare their technical level to yours. And evaluated as 0 pt (0%-30%), 3 pt (31%-70%) and 5 pt (71%-100%).

Do not worry if you do not have the maximum in all factors, just focus on them and think long term.
"Very often, the difference between success and failure is simply perseverance."

Watch the following video "Understanding Talent":

 "... choosing a sport that you will enjoy and suit you."
Below you will find two case study how to use BXP evaluation model:

Case Study No.1.: ACROBAT BOY
The boy was a good gymnast, but has a lot of family problems. He is not a good student as he hardly accepts advises. At the age of 16 he is part of an acrobatic team.

Case Study No.2.: AERIAL GIRL
The girl had some previous sport experiences (RG Rhythmic Gymnastics), was a good student (accepting most of the advises), but has some self-confident problems due to being an introvert personality.

BXP Student Evaluation Model

When you have the overall result the table below helps you to make decisions or actions to do.

Donwload the BXP Model spreadsheet for trying it: Open and Download. (File Menu/ Download)

FEDEC has an interesting research related to this blog:
"Analysis of key skills of young professional circus artists" by Zita Herman (Hungary)

Other recommended resources (Instruction Manuel, Reports, Surveys, etc.) from FEDEC: http://www.fedec.eu/resources.1637.html

My next blog will continue with the first key factors: Tricks, Techniques, Teacher or Mentor ...

Until than CHOOSE RIGHT!!!

All the best..... be the best!

György Losonczi

2013. november 3., vasárnap

1. THINK BIG: Vision, Dream, Mission

To become a performing artist you will need a certain goal:


What is success? How can you measure it? Happiness? Money? Golden Clown??????
Success is a state of mind. A feeling that last for a while..... You can feel success for a couple of days (e.g. having a good weekend), for several months (e.g. having a new car)  or for years (e.g. being a prize-winner at the circus festival).

Can you be successful for a lifetime?
With 25 years entertainment career behind me and with my mission to carry on a well known 100 years old brand, I think you can manage it.

In our world the question is not quantity, it is the question QUALITY. Quality is a main driver of the modern competitive market to become the first, to become the best .... to become successful!!!

THINK BIG! And make your dream become a mission!

The first step is to develop the habit of doing whatever needs to be done with concentrated attention, with skill rather than inertia. 
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life)
How can you reach your dream?
Well...... to become a performing artist, especially in circus industry is a big challenge for all of us. Challenge for the "new comers" without circus family background ("private people") and it is a challenge for the circus families as well. To become a successful artist you will need to create an amusing show or act. Like most of the things in this world success has a recipe. It is a complex task to create a good act and it is necessary to adapt new aspects to accomplish it. Why do many new comers fail? The private people do not have the circus background and hardly understand this life style, meanwhile many circus families do not improve their knowledge and aren't open to new aspects.

To become an artist and to develop a good performing act you need to manage the following key factors:
  1. Tricks, techniques, teacher or mentor, place of study... 
  2. "Be Different!" - concept of the act (e.g. theme, innovation).
  3. "Wrap the act!" - performing skill methods, choreography, music, costumes & make up, equipment(s)...
  4. Career management.
  5. Luck.

The first key factors evaluate the circumstances around you: WHAT we have?
The rest of the factors try to answer the following question: HOW will we reach our goal?

All key factors should be managed on the highest level. Of course many of us cannot reach the maximum of each key factor but you need to try to maximize them to become competitive.
"Only the best is the best"
- Motto of LEGO
In my next blog you can read about the first key factors: Tricks, techniques, teacher or mentor.....

Until than THINK BIG! .... Focus on it! .... Act!

All the best..... be the best!

György Losonczi


Faludy Entertainment & Education

F a l u d y™

is a well known brand in the circus entertainment business due to quality performing acts, unique techniques and teaching methods. Faludy is not a circus dynasty, it is a generation of Master Teachers handing over their mission and core values over decades to their students. This knowledge and know-how made up of collection of adaptive education methodology combined with continuous improvement philosophy (Kaizen 改善 = "Change for the better") and flow positive psychology implemented in practice work creating a synergy effect. This synergy is the interaction of education and entertainment sectors used by Faludy Master Teachers over 100 years now to achieve their mission.

Our mission is to find the best solution for our clients (students) to reach their goal in education and entertainment business by using progressive education methodology & tools and career planning concepts.

This blog is part of the FALUDY MISSION: hand over our mission and core values!

All the best...... be the best!
György Losonczi